250 g/ L tebuconazol • Producer: ADAMA MAKHTESHIM Ltd.



Alternariosis Barley leaf blight Making Wheat milling Apple processing Barley flouring Vine training Brown reticulate leaf spot of barley/barley grass White rot Grey rot The black rot of kidnapping Rust Septoria Septoria in the degree. Diseases - Bacteria
Crop Dose Conditions Details
Wheat0,5L / haWheat milling, Rust, Septoria in the degree.apply from the beginning of the first node to the end of flowering
Apple0,05%Apple processing0.75 L/ha in 1500 L water is applied after shaking the petals until the fruit reaches 90% of the size of the variety
Barley0,5L / haBarley leaf blight, Barley flouring, Brown reticulate leaf spot of barley/barley grassapply from the beginning of the first node to the end of flowering
Rape1L / haAlternariosis, Making, White rot, Grey rot, The black rot of kidnappingapply from the beginning of stem emergence to the end of flowering
Vines0,4L / haVine trainingapply from 9 unfolded leaves until the bunch is compacted

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